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Preparing ALL students for THEIR future

Meal Prices

Food Services

The Palacios ISD Child Nutrition Services Department participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs.

Student Accounts
Palacios ISD uses a computerized meal account system. Students may deposit money into their meal account for the purchase of extra items. Students will be given an account number and may deposit money in any dollar amount. Checks should be made payable to the Palacios Independent School District. Student account transactions can be printed at your request. Parents may request that a message be placed on their child’s account to prevent students from purchasing extra items such as drinks or snacks. Please contact the Cafeteria Manager for more information.

Student Prices

Student Breakfast
All Campuses FREE

Student Lunch
All Campuses FREE
Extra Ala Cart can be paid for online at Lunch Money Now, or by cash or check at the register.

Visitors & Employees

Breakfast - $3.30
Lunch - $5.00