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Citizen Compliments & Complaints

How do I compliment an officer?

Citizens who feel an officer has performed his or her duties in a particularly courteous, helpful, or competent manner may express their appreciation in several ways:

  1. Phone (361) 972-5491 ext. 1081
  2. Email an Online compliment to
  3. Contact Chief Joseph E Felan in person or send a letter to Palacios ISD administration Office, 1209 Twelfth St., Palacios, TX 77465

How do I Communicate Complaints to the Department Including Racial Profiling?

The Palacios ISD Police Department is committed to providing the highest level of police service with professionalism, integrity, accountability, respect, and ethics. It is essential that the public have confidence in the Palacios ISD Police Department to thoroughly investigate and properly address complaints involving our employees. The Palacios ISD Police Department is committed to maintaining a professional police organization with the highest standards of performance and conduct. Therefore, we encourage the public to immediately report any misconduct so that we can investigate and address the allegation(s).

Each complaint will be thoroughly investigated to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to sustain the allegation(s) to take corrective action. Corrective action, depending on the facts and circumstances, may include counseling, additional training, a reprimand, suspension without pay, demotion, and/or termination.  It may also be determined that departmental policies need to be revised to better address similar situations in the future.

Anyone with a question, concern, or complaint should contact Chief Joseph E Felan.

  1. Phone (361) 972-5491 ext.1081
  2. Email an Online Complaint to
  3. Contact Chief Joseph E Felan in person or send a letter to Palacios ISD administration Office, 1209 Twelfth St., Palacios, TX 77465

Racial Profiling Prohibited
The Palacios ISD Police Department has established a policy concerning the prohibition of racial profiling as set out in state and federal laws concerning racial profiling and discriminatory practices in general. Discrimination in any form, including racial profiling, is strictly prohibited and the department will take immediate and appropriate action to investigate allegations of discrimination. This policy applies to all members of the Palacios ISD Police Department both classified and non-classified. 

Complaint Process
The department shall accept complaints from any person who believes he or she has been stopped, searched, or inappropriately ticketed or arrested based on racial, ethnic, or national origin profiling. No person shall be discouraged, intimidated, or coerced from filing such a complaint, or discriminated against because he or she filed such a complaint. Employees and supervisors shall report any racial profiling practice they observe.

What Happens to My Complaint After It Is Received?
All complaints received by the department are processed through the Prosper ISD Administration Office. When a complaint is received, it is reviewed to determine the nature of the allegations. All complaints are investigated by the Superintendent or Chief of Police or designee. In every case, the person making the complaint will be contacted during the investigation for additional information and will be notified by mail of the final disposition.

Protection of the Public
The public has the right to receive fair, efficient, and impartial law enforcement. Any misconduct by department personnel must be detected, thoroughly investigated, and properly adjudicated to assure the maintenance of this right.

Protection of the Department
The department is often evaluated and judged by the conduct of its individual employees. It is imperative that the whole organization not be criticized because of the misconduct of a few. An informed public must have confidence that its police department honestly and fairly investigates and adjudicates all allegations of misconduct against its employees.

Protection of the Employee
Employees must be protected against false or misinformed allegations of misconduct. This can only be accomplished through a consistently thorough investigative process.

Questions or Recommendations
If you have any questions or recommendations on how the Palacios ISD Police Department can improve your police service, please call the Office of the Chief of Police at 361-972-5491, ext. 1081 or mail correspondence directly to Chief Joseph E Felan at the Palacios ISD Police Department, 1209 Twelfth St., Palacios, TX, 77465.

Important Numbers:
911 - Police Emergency
911 - Fire Emergency
911 - Medical Emergency

Non-Emergency Police Service (Palacios Police Department)
(361) 972-3112

Palacios ISD Chief of Police
(361) 972-5491 ext. 1081

 Palacios ISD Administration Office
(361) 972-5491