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Preparing ALL students for THEIR future

Resources for Parents

Family Resources

Web Resources for English Learners - Bilingual/ESL/Migrant (Title 3)

Parents and Families Newsletter - August 2024    English Language Learners Portal: All things ELL, LPAC, Chapter 89

Spanish Playground is a site for young Spanish and English learners

Colorin Colorado: A bilingual site for families and educators of English language learners,  Access in Spanish and English

SMORE: Parent and Family Engagement Newsletter (Available in Spanish, Vietnamese and other languages)

Title 3 Engagement Parent-Family-Community: assist parents and families in helping their children to improve their academic achievement and in becoming active participants in the education of their children.

The Latino Family Literacy Project - Parent and Family Engagement for English Learners

USA Learns - 100% free English classes

Supporting English Learners in Texas: This TEA web portal provides information and resources that are relevant, accessible, and impactful to support educational leaders, teachers, parents and families, and community partners to ensure the academic success of the State’s English learners.

Voice of America’s Learning English - Multimedia source of news and information for millions of English learners worldwide.

April Student Collaboration Coffee Chat Flyer_ English

April Student Collaboration Coffee Chat Flyer_ Spanish 

Region 10 Title III News:  Tips and Tools for English Learner Parents and Families

Previous Issues:
April Edition of the Region 10 Title III Newsletter:

March Edition- Building Academic Success

February Edition- SLA at Home:

December Edition- Transitions:

November Edition- SEL: