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Preparing ALL students for THEIR future


Bullying / Unsafe School Choice Options (USCO)

Palacios ISD has a strong policy prohibiting bullying. If your child is being bullied or witnesses bullying at school, immediately report the incident to the principal or assistant principal who will then investigate the situation. You or your child can make this report by completing the Palacios ISD Bullying Report Form or by talking to school officials. If counseling resources are needed because your child is a bully, victim or witness, please contact your school's counselor.     Link to Campus Counselors

Policies & Regulations
Student Welfare:

Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
FFH Legal
FFH Local

Freedom from Bullying
Student Discipline:
Unsafe School Choice Options (USCO)
Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments
FDE Local - School Safety Transfers