Communities in Schools
Communities in Schools
Communities in Schools works directly in schools to build relationships that empower students to stay in school and succeed in life. CIS school-based staff partner with teachers to identify challenges students face in class or at home and coordinate with community partners to bring outside resources inside schools.
Gina Guerrero and Samantha Starrett are the Communities in Schools site coordinators in Palacios ISD. They work closely with district staff, students and families in the district's partnership with Communities in Schools of Southeast Harris and Brazoria County. This partnership was made possible by a grant from the Texas Education Agency.
The six components of CIS are: Health and Human Services; Supportive guidance and counseling; Parental and family engagement; Academic enhancement and support; College and career awareness; and Enrichment activities.
The CIS Mental Health Program includes these activities: Advocacy; Crisis Intervention; Trauma Groups; Coping Skill Building; and Mental Health Support.
Contact us:
Gina Guerrero - Central Elementary and East Side Intermediate
361-972-5491 Ext. 1848 (CE) and 1613 (ES)
Samantha Starrett- Palacios Junior High and High School
361-972-5491 Ext. 1409 (JH) and 1258 (HS)