Program of Studies
Welcome to our Program of Studies page! Under this section, you will find a list of the program of studies that Palacios ISD offers with certification.
What is a Program of Study?
Perkins V describes a program of study as a coordinated, non-duplicative sequence of academic and technical content at the secondary and postsecondary level that:
- Incorporates challenging state academic standards
- Addresses academic, technical, and employability skills
- Aligns with the needs of industries in the state, regional, and/or local economy
- Progresses in specificity, beginning with all aspects of the industry and leading to more occupation-specific instruction
- Has multiple entry and exit points that incorporate credentialing
- Culminates in the attainment of a recognized postsecondary credential
Please contact Jared Duncum if you have any questions in regards to the Program of Studies.
Agriculture, Food and Natural Resource (AFNR)
Animal Science- Certification as a Veterinarian Assistant
Applied Agriculture Engineering- Certification in AWS Welding 9.1
Architecture and Construction
Carpentry - Certification in NCCER
Arts, A/V Technology and Communication
Design and Multimedia Arts- Certification in Adobe
Digital Communications- Certification in Adobe
Education & Training
Early Learning - Child Development Associate
Teaching and Training - Educational Aide I
Hospitality and Tourism
Culinary Arts- Certification in ServSafe Manager and/or Safeserve Food Handlers
Human Services
Family and Community Services - Community Health Worker