Distinguished Alumni Program (Update Pending)
Purpose of the Distinguished Alumni Awards Program
To recognize and honor former graduates of the Palacios Independent School District whose achievements, strength of character and citizenship serve as models to inspire and challenge today’s students.
Goal 1: To honor Palacios ISD graduates who have distinguished themselves, and in doing so, brought honor and/or positive recognition to our school district and community.
Goal 2: To bring positive attention and publicity to the quality of Palacios ISD by highlighting successful graduates.
Distinguished Alumni Awards Committee
The Awards Committee shall be a standing committee of 9 members:
Six Palacios High School Graduates,
One Board member,
Two Palacios residents.
Each committee member shall serve for a three (3) year term, with terms running from the conclusion of one Graduation Ceremony through the implementation of the next Graduation Ceremony. Three (3) members shall rotate off each year. The Palacios ISD Board of Trustees shall name the new committee members. Past committee members must be off the committee for one year before re-election.
The Superintendent of Palacios ISD and the High School Principal shall serve as ex-officio members of the Committee, without voting rights. The Committee with majority rule will appoint replacements for vacant unexpired terms. The Palacios ISD shall maintain all records or files and act as archivist for the Distinguished Alumni Awards Program.