Submission Deadlines
Submission of Application (Update Pending)
Nomination forms and Personal Statement of Recommendation must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. (DATE PENDING) in the Palacios ISD Administration Office.
By Mail: 1209 Twelfth Street, Palacios, Texas 77465 (must arrive by deadline date)
By FAX: (361)972-3567 (must then send or deliver original)
By Email: (must then send or deliver original)
By Hand Delivery: Palacios ISD, 1209 Twelfth Street, Palacios, Texas 77465
The committee is not responsible for nominations lost in the mail, delivered to the wrong location, not legible, missing pertinent information, or those received after the nominating deadline.
Nomination forms will be held for consideration for two years following the original submission date. If a nominee is not selected for the current year, the application will automatically be considered during the next two award periods.