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ESSER III Stakeholder Meeting & Palacios ISD ESSER III Financial Summary

ESSER III Stakeholder Meeting 6-7-21
PISD ESSER III Evaluación de las necesidades del distrito

ESSER III Return to In-Person Learning and Continuity of Service Plan 

Procedures for Public Notice and Translation

September 23, 2021
November 17, 2021
February 3, 2022
April 20, 2022
DEIC Sign-In 2021-2022

The intent and purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) of 2021, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funding is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students.
PISD will be receiving $2,996,552 and has allocated the money based on stakeholder surveys and a stakeholder meeting.

PISD Total Amount $2,996,552

Payroll $1,500,931
PISD will allocate funds to payroll to support the academic, health and social and emotional needs of students, such as High Impact Tutors, extra-duty pay or stipends, Curriculum Writing, Community in Schools personnel, College Career and Military Specialist, nursing and substitutes to support instructional continuity.

Professional and Contracted Services $540,000
PISD will utilize these funds for activities such as professional development for teachers to promote high-quality instruction throughout the district and technology services to support instruction.

Supplies and Materials $440,000
PISD will utilize these funds to provide supplies to promote high-quality instruction, such as instructional materials, software or devices.

Other Operating  Costs $100,000
PISD will use these funds to pay for costs associated with professional development, such as travel expenses.

Indirect Costs $415,621
Indirect costs include the operational cost to the district to manage and provide the services and materials related to the grant funding.


La intención y el propósito del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense